Guilty by Association
“Could you be found Guilty by Association?”
We have all read the crime novels and watched the crime movies and in these cases guilt by association means that although you did not personally participate in the crime, the people who you are with at the time did and you knew about it. You are judged by the company you keep, so you are viewed as guilty because of your association with the wrongdoers. You may not have robbed the bank with a gun, all you wanted to do was drive your friends to and from the bank. In this fictitious criminal scene everyone is charged with bank robbery.
Of course as we head back to our real world, the same could be said in our everyday lives. You are judged by the company you keep. I would dare to say that this also applies with our spiritual lives. Your spiritual lives are not only going to be judged by the company you keep, but by the ones you seek out.
Our call in CMA is to change the world one heart at a time. To do this you must be “Guilty by Association” with the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And you must reach out to the lost and share the good news.
In our Christian walk, day to day, could we be charged with Guilt by Association?
If serving You's against the law of man
If living out my faith in You is banned
Then I'll stand right before the jury
If saying I believe is out of line
If I'm judged cause I'm gonna give my life
To show the world the love that fills me
Then I wanna be Guilty by association
Guilty of being a voice proclaiming Your ways
Your truth, Your life, I'll pay the price to be Your light
<*Newsboys - Guilty*>
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