The Provider
This is an aritcle from a previous newsletter
What an incredible (and long) trip to Newkirk OK. We met up with Daryl Johns and his brother Lonnie. Before I get into what happened there I need to backtrack a little.
Our forming chapter was blessed with a CMA EZ-UP and a Here if you Need Us table banner by the NETX state leadership. It was shortly after that when Judy told me she felt led to not worry about storage because we were going to get a trailer. And that someone would bless us with a trailer.
So back to where we left off. “Ice Cream” Al called and said there was a chapter that wanted to give their trailer to a CMA Chapter that had a need. Al immediately thought of us. We just needed to go get it. So in great Beau fashion, he said “OKAY”. Art and I were able to go with him on the trip. It was forever and a day to get up there, and at the end of the trip it was down a long gravel farm road to a farm house and a huge building. This is where were presented with a trailer that had been used when they had an active chapter, the Pioneer Christian Crusaders Chapter # 128 in Ponca City OK
As we were listening to Daryl, he said something I will never forget. “This trailer and contents does not belong to me or anyone else anymore. It belongs to CMA, and needs to be with a CMA chapter”
We only took a brief look in the contents, but immediately found their chapter banner. After we got pictures with it and Daryl, we made sure he kept the banner in his possession.
The word blessing is used a lot, and I am not sure it can cover what this trailer means to our forming chapter. But yes, God has blessed the New Covenant Riders.
You hear me say it often. “Let us earn the right to be a chapter.” I am going to add on to that one with “Let us honor the gift of the trailer, every time it is used and it is seen.”
Luke 12:22-31 "Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds! “ And He said to His disciples, "For this reason I say to you, do not worry about your life, as to what you will eat; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.”
“Here if you need us” Not just a slogan, It’s a lifestyle!