Christian Motorcyclist

Chase after God

Come Ride with us

      I Can't yet, My life is not in order.    

      Neither is mine

Come Ride with us

      I Can't yet, I am unable to live up to the judgement of others.

      I have no judgement in me.

Come Ride with us

      I Can't yet, I still say and do things at times that I know could have been handled better. 

      We all struggle with this from time to time

Come Ride with us

      I Can't yet, I fail God over and over.

      God Still Chooses You

Come Ride with us.

You are NOT Required to be perfect or have your life in great order before God can use you. Start now!

From one of my favorite songs

"When I feel like Ruins

You see Foundations

To build Your Kindgom here

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I'll stop second guessing you

Even when failures come

Redemption is what you do

You're the God who makes weak things strong

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When I feel like Ruins

You see Foundations

To build Your Kindgom here"

So even in times when we feel like our life is in Rubble, God still chooses to build his kingdom in our hearts and lives.

Chase after God

God is chasing after you